Sunday, August 14, 2005

Yahoo claims to beat Google

Yahoo Inc. says its search engine indexes more than 20.8 billion items, which is nearly twice as much as online search leader Google Inc.

In its company blog, Yahoo, based in Sunnyvale, Calif., says its index includes 19.2 billion web documents, 1.6 billion images and more than 50 million audio and video files. The company typically does not disclose the size of its index.

Mountain View, Calif.-based, Google, on the other hand, indexes about 11.2 billion items, including 8.2 billion web pages and more than 2 billion images and 1 billion items from its discussion groups, according to the company's web site.

But in terms of people using Searches Google beats everyone else. In 2003 it was leading others by at least 80 million searches per day.
Google 250 million
Overture 167 million
Inktomi 80 million
LookSmart 45 million
FindWhat 33 million
Ask Jeeves 20 million
AltaVista 18 million

Right now it has 59 million unique users which is 39% of total internet poulation. Yahoo on the other hand has 45.7 million vistors and not all of them come for search. More than 70% of all search requests are done at Google.

On a lighter note, searching Google for google resylts in 255,000,000 results, while searching Yahoo for yahoo gives 867,000,000 results.


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